  • Contact Info/Menu Selection
  • Payment Information
ex. 204-415-7045
Would you like your order Delivered? *
Address *
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Please choose a location *
Please browse the menu for each location as they are slightly different
Ordering Online is only available one day in advance, to place an order the day of, please call the location to see if we have a spot available
Ordering Online is only available one day in advance, to place an order the day of, please call the location to see if we have a spot available
Time of delivery/pickup *
For orders needed outside of these times, please call the location to confirm availability.
Would you like Plates, Napkins and Utensils? *
Cityplace Menu Options
Old Market Square Menu Options

Single Noodle Box Each Serves 1 - 2

Choose A Sauce
Choose Protein

Catering Noodle Box Each Serves 3 - 4

Choose A Sauce
Choose Protein

Stuffed Pitas 9.95 Each


Burritos 9.95 Each


Flatbread Pizza (OMS exclusive) 9.95 Each


Chicken Fingers (cityplace exclusive)

Chicken Finger Pieces Per Person
Choose the number of pieces per person, the standard selection is 3 fingers per person
Change this number if needed, default is based on the number of people you selected above.


Big Bowl Fries (cityplace exclusive)

Serves 6-8 People $25
Serves 10-12 People $45


Big Bowl Salads

Choose Salad
Choose Platter Size



To remove from order hit the dessert button under menu options to clear from the screen.
Cookie Platter

One Dozen Cookies: $ 9.99 CAD



Choose Drinks


